In this home on ice.....

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I went to an excellent exhibit today. I had forgotten how much I truly love art. I've gone to exhibits, but with people who do not love art, who were only there for my benefit, supposedly, but rushed things, didn't stop, appreciate, absorb or even attempt to comprehend. I feel ripped off by the people who rushed me, signed, poked fun at the art that was thriving infront of us. I always left feeling disappointed. Today I went, I stopped, I observed, I absorbed, appreciated and even attempted to not just understand but was enlivening! I feel alive, excited, buzzing with thought and wonder. A feeling I remember from the first time I saw a of my favourites. His simple lines, forms and pure, so peaceful. Today, I declare I will no longer see art with people who mar the should always feel like today!!!!!!

Monday, May 09, 2005

I'm sorry little blog....

Hello, good to see you again.
Sorry I've been away, so much to tell you....did you miss me little blog?
I've drank on front steps, visited people who made me feel like family and miss my own at the same time.
I am hungry now...I must go, but I'll be back later to fill you in...
little blog....I missed you.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How do you know? They are hiding it from the cops behind their back. Posted by Hello