In this home on ice.....

Sunday, March 26, 2006

New York, New York......

We hav spent thte last many hours and sevearl beers craeting out travel blohg please check it out.

new yourk new your k

Translation (done this morning)
We have spent a few hours and drank some beer and created out travel blog.
Oh and we fixed it so you can comment now too!

Friday, March 24, 2006


hmmm interesting flags.....
you have to double click to make them larger to read them. I found them on the Global Village website. I was listening to a really interesting show on International Hip Hop.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

NYC....Grand Central

OK, there are loads of pictures and loads of stories and nicki and I are going to will get our NYC/Travel blog going but I thought I'd just post a few. These were taken at Grand Central Station, we were able to check see break dancers off our list!!!! (this first guy was Dave Chapelle)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's finally here.......

Warmer weather, the unstiflable smile that comes with warm sun on your face, driving with the windows down; the weight of winter is being lifted.
It's March Break and I'm off to the BIG APPLE to see one of my favourite bands, the Silver Jews. I'm taking the train down. I love traveling by train. You get to sit back, relax and watch the world go by. It's old fashioned and dignified. Yes, I know it's slower but I'm on my holidays and I don't want to rush; I want to enjoy slowing down and appreciate the time. I love traveling; things to sees, experiences to enjoy, people to meet, but I also love having that down time to think. I enjoy the journey as much as the destination. I'm very excited about my little holiday.

I also bought a chair at Goodwill for $5. I love my chair, it needs some paint and so new fabric but it will be awesome. I also got some glasses with pictures of weapons on them. I couldn't resist. I have 2 pistols, 2 cross bows and a rifle. They ROCK!!!!

That is all for now.