In this home on ice.....

Friday, July 08, 2005


Yesterday I was rudely (I thought a t the time) awoken by the phone ringing at 6:30 am. I let it ring, the machine will get it, but my mind couldn't get back to it's comfortable sleep. Why would someone ring at such a horrible hour? I had to go check.....was there a message......Yes.....
"Hey Andie (it's my sister), just calling to let you know I'm OK....blah, blah blah......"
Why wouldn't she be OK? What is she on about? And why is there that slight crack in her voice that tells me she's being brave. WHAT IS GOING ON????? The networks are busy? She lives in London.
TURN ON THE TV!!!!!!!!
"6 possibly 9 bombs have exploded in the London Underground and have torn apart a double decker bus." WHAT!!!!!!!
Where? When? I need info.....was she near it, was she in danger?
Slowly I learn it happened on the other side of London, she was no where near it.
After an hour of being bombarded by news it suddenly hits me, she lives on the other side of the world, I can't be with her, protect her...what would I have done if she had been hurt or worse........What would I do? How would I cope without her?


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